Twenty-Something Phase of Life

all my friends getting marriedA couple weeks ago two of my friends got engaged (to each other). It was so out-of-the-blue even though we had been anticipating this moment for years. They have been together for five years and all of us felt that it was about darn time. Today she asked me to be one of her bridesmaids and I could not be more excited! I said of course!

After experiencing this, I realized that I am now entering that phase of life where your friends start to get serious with their significant others or get married. I don’t think this is necessarily a bad thing, because honestly it is bound to happen. I couldn’t help, but think that I am falling a little behind…. I haven’t even had a boyfriend and my friends are getting married.

Then, I have those friends that keep telling me they think the guy they are with could be “the one” and I have to do everything, but roll my eyes. Some would say I am a cynic, but I like to think of myself as a realistic hopeless romantic. I won’t lie though, it would be nice to experience a little something, before all of my friends pass me in their relationships.

I know life isn’t a competition, so I am happy for all of them (as long as they don’t rush into things and I approve of the one they love 😉 ). All I can say is that if it does take me a long time to find that someone and settle down, they better not blink an eye when I ask them to loan their kids to be my flower girls or ring bearer or deal with my own bridezilla-persona on my special day.

But I am excited to enter this new phase of weddings and baby showers!

❤ a girl